

NOTICE: After the announced full update of the project (reset), the descriptions of the services may change, and new opportunities will appear (further earning services).

(update 2022-12-04)

Overview of 5BillionSales services

(👇 you can turn on subtitles and select another language 👇)
(after the restart of the system, the video will be adapted to the current situation in the project)

4 Huge Opportunities for Money Maker

Service Sell Your Data (SYD)

Monetization of existing Internet activities

You are paid for the information you look for every day on the Internet, thus 5BillionSales increases sales on its 25 sales platforms and shares the profits with you.

MAKE MONEY – from your browsing data. FREE to join. Easy to do. Passive Income. Can earn bonuses.

Service Standard Advert (SA)

MAKE MONEY – from the service that provides 1 million strictly targeted visits to a connected website or offline business in a 12-month period. 5Billion will repeat or extend the advert to achieve the target of 1 million visitors.

Service Guaranteed Sales (GTS)

MAKE MONEY – by generating an EXTRA $155k net profit from your webpage, website, web shop or affiliate program.

Service Refer $ Earn (R$E)

MAKE MONEY – by referring other people to  5Billion  to make money! Free to join. Make money while they’re making it too

Service GTAgency (GTA)

Advertising Agency in cooperation with 5BillionSales. You can buy adverts of 5BillionSales only through GTAgency. NOTE: all Partners of 5BillionSales that bought and/or sold adverts, before August 2022, got a free GTAgency as a bonus. New Partners can buy yearly subscription of new GTAgency from already existing GTAgency.

What is  5BillionSales :

(condensed description of the project possibilities)

🟨 Sell Your Data (of browsing 🌍 Internet) – you earn $ 1.10 (for data sale) + $ 0.50 (vBonus) per day. You need 1-2 minutes a day to validate the data and be paid. (GTA: offer vBonus ended 5th August 2022)

🟦 📢 Refer $ Earn – you earn $ 100 from Direct Referral and $ 5 from Levels 2-16 when they launched Sell Your Data and did the first data validation. To be paid after one year, but can be 10x faster. Payable for each subsequent year in which the Partners are active (strictly passive income). This, of course, takes your effort to share information about 5BillionSales and help your Affiliates.

🟧 🏆 🎯 Guaranteed Sales – you can earn $ 155,000 net in 3-4 months (statistical data of 5Billion), thanks to the use of advertising mechanisms developed by the creators of 5Billion (you pay them 34% of your net commission from DELIVERED SALES!). This additionally enables 10x faster payouts from Refer $ Earn.

NOTE: Limited Time Offer it’s over. Now Partners at first (in advance) will make a deposit of 34% of the net profit, i.e. $ 52,700.

icon Business disclaimer icon (risk of loss, risk of losing profits)
Any business, investment, new opportunities comes with a risk of loss (resources, work, time). Only put as much icon money and as much icon time as you can afford to lose !!!
also about the fact that the lack of your actions is also a risk … of losing potential icon profits.
Think! and analyse what you (don’t)choose.

You will also receive additional commissions from Direct Affiliates, payable after 30 days‼ ️ when your Affiliates benefit from Guaranteed Sales:

  • $ 20 commission after the Affiliate pays an annual Advert $ 269 to start;
  • $ 1,000 commission after the first advertising cycle;
  • $ 1,000 commission after the second advertising cycle (only for Limited Time Offer);
  • $ 1,000 commission after the third advertising cycle (only for Limited Time Offer).

Total $1,020 or $ 3,020 only for Limited Time Offer.

From Partners on Levels 2-16 who launched Guaranteed Sale:

$ 1 commission after the Affiliate pays an annual Advert $ 269 to start;
$ 50 commission after the first advertising cycle;
$ 50 commission after the second advertising cycle (only for Limited Time Offer);
$ 50 commission after the third advertising cycle (only for Limited Time Offer).

Total $ 51 or $ 151 only for Limited Time Offer.

Guaranteed Sales’ money for you comes from the sale of your products or the products of MLM, affiliate or partnership programs you collaborate. You manage and have access to these funds. You pay to 5BillionSales a commission of 34% from the net profit of the DELIVERED SALES!

No clicks, no impressions, or other focuses. Only your DELIVERED SALES! is counting.

 5Billion Sales 
provides real buying Partners and/or Customers, i.e. it
 conducts marketing for you 

The only authorized stamp sources of icon information about  5BillionSales  are:

icon ATTENTION! icon
  1. You can have only ONE ACCOUNT in 5Billion.
  2. Everyone must have their own data validation device (computer, tablet, smartphone). You can use many devices but only for your account. Every device will be registered, assigned to your account, during the first data validation.
  3. You cannot validate data for other accounts, not even in the family.
  4. You have to pass the KYC verification (such as in a bank).
  5. For service Sell Your Data you must put exactly country where you are, doesn’t matter which document you have.
  6.  You can login only to your own account! 

Do you know that …?
* After registering in our 5BillionSales – CryptoChemist team, you will receive a series of e-mails with information about the 5BillionSales project and up-to-date information on the most important events.
icon Disclaimer icon
**  The information provided on the website are not an investment advice, they comes from the projects’ source materials, corporate and partner presentations, my work with the projects as well as from work and own creativity. They were presented according to my current knowledge and experience.

icon Business disclaimer icon (risk of loss, risk of losing profits)
Any business, investment, new opportunities comes with a risk of loss (resources, work, time). Only put as much icon money and as much icon time as you can afford to lose !!!
also about the fact that the lack of your actions is also a risk … of losing potential icon profits.
Think! and analyse what you (don’t)choose.

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