
Check Mate Website Diagnostic Results #NumberYourGTS

Dear Your5BSusername Thank you for creating this Standard Advert #NumberYourGTS and submitting it to Check Mate on 4th Dec 2023. Check Mate has crawled your Standard Advert and target website that is linked from it. Check Mate is in the process of becoming a tool/independent feature to check submissions in the future. This advert has been crawled once […]

Standard Advert Free Upgrades to Guaranteed SalesCheck Mate AI 2023-11-20

The Check Mate AI function is launched, based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), which automatically checks whether a given Standard Advert (SA) complies with the terms of  5Billion Sales  and can be updated to the Guaranteed Sales (GTS) service for free. Standard Adverts (this is what we purchased and will be available from authorized Advertisement Agency GTAgency) can […]

Current situation of  5BillionSales  (October 2023)

(update 2023-10-25) The project of  5Billion Sales  is working and true (verified) Leaders and Partners has access to them own accounts.  Remember: You can login only to your own account!  (see below good news for less experienced Partners) Delays in restarting services are caused by compatibility issues resulting from a large scale of fraud that 5BS […]

GTAgency Advertising Agency (GTA)

Note 5BillionSales (5BS) has paused the GTAgency’s launch for a short time while the network is secured for the future good. All resources are focused on Sales Deliveries for Guaranteed Sales (GTS) already waiting in the queue, and than GTAgency will be launched and sales of adverts resumed. GTAgency will be able to sell adverts and manage […]

GTAgency first info 2022

👇 The following to be confirmed after launching GTAgency 👇 Service 4 Launching 10th August 2022 Free GTAgents can instantly start selling Guaranteed Sales and Standard Adverts to 5B members from the 10th August. Check the order page for details: https://5billionsales.com/ads-dash#order-ad GTAgency will work like this: 1- Your existing advert back office will be upgraded […]

 5Billion  Fastlane Commandments

(update 2024-05-30) It turns out that in order to build a profitable business for years or even generations, you have to follow certain rules. You can then have a lot of income and a lot of time. In fact, financial freedom is all about time. TIME IS YOUR MOST IMPORTANT ASSET The point is that […]

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