Standard Advert 


NOTICE: After the announced full update of the project (reset), the descriptions of the services may change, and new opportunities will appear (further earning services).

(update 2024-01-09)

NOTE: As of August 2022,  5BillionSales  has stopped selling Standard Advert (SA) with the possibility of updating to Guaranteed Sales (GTS) service directly. The only entities with such possibilities are Advertising GTAgencies.



Service Standard Advert (SA)

Standard Advert (SA) act like Google Ads.

Standard Adverts can be used to promote anything. There are no rules except you cannot link to illegal, illicit or content for example (logical): drugs, self-harm, hate, porn, abuse, firearms, weapons, child abuse, etc.

Standard Adverts can be used to promote any online or offline thing whether it generates profit or not. There are no rules, you can sell, sign-up Clients/Partners, rent, send visitors to a restaurant, event, shop… Anything.

Content of Standard Adverts can be changed any time and the URL to target can be changed too.

To get the best from your Standard Advert, you must optimize it to help the Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that is looking at your advert content and website just like SEO and Google Ads.

Advertisers must update their Standard Adverts with changes as they happen on their target site/location.

Standard Advert delivers 1 million strictly targeted visitors in 12 months. 5Billion will repeat or extend the advert to achieve the target of 1 million visitors.

Adding keywords to step 3 of the advert wizard is essential. If you have not added keywords and optimized your advert with text descriptions in step 3, this will adversely affect how soon your SA starts to get seen by the audience you’ve targeted the advert to, it will delay and slow down initial and future content crawls by AI and slow the demographic building.

Add keywords, watch the results, change keywords and monitor.

From 2023-01-23 (GTA: realistically, from a full restart of the 5Billion system) you will get monthly notices to inform you of underperforming content of your advert which should be updated according to AI feedback. The notifications will also inform you when to stop changing your advert.

Note: By changing the URL of your SA will slow down/start the building process of the targeted keyword visitors for your advert. The more times you change the SA URL, the longer the advert will take to perform.


  • Add keywords.
  • Target your advert’s image to what you are promoting.
  • Make a detailed description in step 3 about the business and what is being transacted.
  • Select the correct objectives.
  • Narrow target audience to achieve refined visitors from countries and languages.
  • Narrow and remove redundant ages from age settings.
  • Narrow the gender for the advert if only suited to one.
  • Use advanced targeting of audience to refine your reach to only people that match your requirements.
  • If you select worldwide, expect non English speaking visitors as a majority as generally there are more in the audience. Refine audience to better your results.

LOW NUMBERS (keywords, description)

If you are experiencing low numbers, please revise your advert, reducing the description to be less descriptive about other things and more on point about what you are promoting. Remove fluffy words and description and use keywords especially from the meta tags and description of the target website that is above the keyword inserter tool. Keywords are words or phrases that are used to match your adverts with the terms that people are searching for. Selecting high quality, relevant keywords for your advert can help you reach the customers that you want, when you want. Words or phrases describing your product or service that you choose to help determine when and where your advert can appear. The keywords that you choose are used to show your adverts to people. Select high-quality, relevant keywords for your advert campaign to help you reach only the most interested people, who are more likely to become your customers. When someone searches on Google, your advert could be tagged to appear in the browser based on the similarity of your keywords to the person’s search terms. Keywords are also used to match your advert to users in the Browser Network that are related to your keywords and adverts. A great keyword list can help improve the performance of your adverts and help you to avoid higher prices. Poor keywords can ultimately cause you to have higher prices and lower advert position. You can add match types to your keywords to help control which searches your advert can be matched with.

Standard Adverts are paid for service.

Standard Adverts can be upgraded to a Guaranteed Sales & Signups service for free after checking compliant by Check Mate AI tool.

The only authorized stamp sources of icon information about  5BillionSales  are:

icon ATTENTION! icon
  1. You can have only ONE ACCOUNT in 5Billion.
  2. Everyone must have their own data validation device (computer, tablet, smartphone). You can use many devices but only for your account. Every device will be registered, assigned to your account, during the first data validation.
  3. You cannot validate data for other accounts, not even in the family.
  4. You have to pass the KYC verification (such as in a bank).
  5. For service Sell Your Data you must put exactly country where you are, doesn’t matter which document you have.
  6.  You can login only to your own account! 

Do you know that …?
* After registering in our 5BillionSales – CryptoChemist team, you will receive a series of e-mails with information about the 5BillionSales project and up-to-date information on the most important events.
icon Disclaimer icon
**  The information provided on the website are not an investment advice, they comes from the projects’ source materials, corporate and partner presentations, my work with the projects as well as from work and own creativity. They were presented according to my current knowledge and experience.

icon Business disclaimer icon (risk of loss, risk of losing profits)
Any business, investment, new opportunities comes with a risk of loss (resources, work, time). Only put as much icon money and as much icon time as you can afford to lose !!!
also about the fact that the lack of your actions is also a risk … of losing potential icon profits.
Think! and analyse what you (don’t)choose.

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