GTAgency Advertising Agency (GTA)


NOTICE: After the announced full update of the project (reset), the descriptions of the services may change, and new opportunities will appear (further earning services).

GTAgency is in preparation for launch.
NOTICE: After the launch GTAgency, the descriptions of the services will be updated. The sale of Starter Packages will also begin for new customers who do not yet have any 5B advert, as well as sales for all Standard Adverts with opportunity to upgrade to Guaranteed Sales.


5BillionSales (5BS) has paused the GTAgency’s launch for a short time while the network is secured for the future good. All resources are focused on Sales Deliveries for Guaranteed Sales (GTS) already waiting in the queue, and than GTAgency will be launched and sales of adverts resumed. GTAgency will be able to sell adverts and manage them from back office to include create, publish and edit without leaving account. 5BS will always remain responsible for service and Sales Deliveries.

Resources of 5B are currently focused on:

  • Existing GTS services.
  • GTS service compliance issues.
  • Education to GTS service owners how to set up GTS service compliant adverts for themselves.
  • How to set up GTS service compliant adverts for GTAgency clients.
  • On boarding of Sell Data Users in recovery to start commission credits for sponsors.

After launch, you will be able to sell adverts and manage them from your back office to include create, publish and edit without leaving your account. We will always remain responsible for service and deliveries. However, one major concern is that the majority of GTAgents do not know how to set up their own GTS service which means if they setup client adverts, they will also be wrong and produce more problems for compliance.

Read this and check your GTS service. Your client’s adverts will need to be set up following these rules:

You need to buy a Standard Advert to upgrade to GTS service for free. You do not order or pay for GTS service. GTS service must be set up correctly and if not, it can be penalized by downgrading back to the original paid for Standard Advert and blocked from upgrading again. GTS Service can only promote and sell 1 product/service. If your advert promotes other products/services and/or your Step 4 does not describe the 1 product/service only, it is wrong. You are required to complete the Standard Advert correctly when upgrading it to GTS service. Failures that will penalize your GTS service include, but not limited to:

  1. Country Targeting – If your business can only sell to clients from USA, do not set targeting for other countries.  If your business does not sell to some countries, do not set targeting to worldwide. ONLY select countries your business sells to. Your business must be compliant with all targeted country’s privacy and GDPR and if not, must be excluded. 
  2. Gender – If your 1 product/service majority or only sells to females, do not select male or both and vice versa. It is ONLY the one product that will be promoted and sold. Only target buyers for the 1 product/service. 
  3. Age – If your 1 product/service is for example; a medical plan for people 45-60 years old, do not target clients under 45 or over 60.
  4. Audience – If you can only sell the 1 product/service to clients in the USA that are female between the ages of 45-60, you are required to match the Standard Advert’s targeting exactly to match the business.
  5. URL – Must be an official URL from the business that is not shortened or drop 3rd party cookies not covered by privacy policy. Cannot be a 3rd party short link. URL must land on the one product/service page with a checkout/transaction option. It cannot link to a webinar, video, form, lead capture, page of links, survey or anything distracting that prevents the client paying/joining. URL cannot be a home page. URL cannot be owned by someone else. Target website must be compliant with privacy and GDPR of all GTS service targeted countries/states.
  6. Advert – The advert’s wording in headline and body fields must relate to the 1 product/service being sold in the GTS service. It must not advertise another product/service or the company/supplier. Advert cannot be someone else’s advert. The images loaded to the advert must be relevant to the 1 product/service.
  7. Business – The affiliate link or business must belong to you. If affiliate link, when clicked must show your registered name with 5B and/or show your correct full legal name and GTS service URL in the affiliate business back office.
  8. Step 4 – This page must be completed using words that describe the 1 product/service you want to sell. It must not describe the company, its activities or other products/services. If it is a health plan, it must detail the health plan only being sold and what it does. If it is three bottles of tablets, it must describe the 3 bottle package and what it does, not another number of bottles etc.
  9. Price – Must be the price of the product/service so, if three bottles, it will be the three bottle price. Price cannot be an estimate or average. You need to choose one product/service and describe, and price it. Change to price must be updated in Step 4.
  10. Net Profit – Must be the commission you are paid for selling the product/service described and priced in (8) and (9). Cannot be an average. Cannot change or fluctuate. If net profit changes by slightest amount, it must be updated on Step 4.


5B upgraded the GTAgency offer to include affiliates that sold adverts (even if they did not buy) to recognize and appreciate their work. Now all people that bought and sold adverts get a free GTAgency as a bonus.

The only authorized stamp sources of icon information about  5BillionSales  are:

icon ATTENTION! icon
  1. You can have only ONE ACCOUNT in 5Billion.
  2. Everyone must have their own data validation device (computer, tablet, smartphone). You can use many devices but only for your account. Every device will be registered, assigned to your account, during the first data validation.
  3. You cannot validate data for other accounts, not even in the family.
  4. You have to pass the KYC verification (such as in a bank).
  5. For service Sell Your Data you must put exactly country where you are, doesn’t matter which document you have.
  6.  You can login only to your own account! 

Do you know that …?
* After registering in our 5BillionSales – CryptoChemist team, you will receive a series of e-mails with information about the 5BillionSales project and up-to-date information on the most important events.
icon Disclaimer icon
**  The information provided on the website are not an investment advice, they comes from the projects’ source materials, corporate and partner presentations, my work with the projects as well as from work and own creativity. They were presented according to my current knowledge and experience.

icon Business disclaimer icon (risk of loss, risk of losing profits)
Any business, investment, new opportunities comes with a risk of loss (resources, work, time). Only put as much icon money and as much icon time as you can afford to lose !!!
also about the fact that the lack of your actions is also a risk … of losing potential icon profits.
Think! and analyse what you (don’t)choose.

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