GTAgency first info 2022

GTAgency is in preparation for launch.
NOTICE: After the launch GTAgency, the descriptions of the services will be updated. The sale of Starter Packages will also begin for new customers who do not yet have any 5B advert, as well as sales for all Standard Adverts with opportunity to upgrade to Guaranteed Sales.

👇 The following to be confirmed after launching GTAgency 👇

Service 4 Launching 10th August 2022

  • On 10th August, 5B will launch new Service 4 – GTAgency Advertising Agency (GTA)!
  • On 10th August, 5B will stop selling advertising directly.
  • On 10th August, any person (early adopter) that has bought 1 advert or more from 5B will be given Service 4 (GTA) for free.

Free GTAgents can instantly start selling Guaranteed Sales and Standard Adverts to 5B members from the 10th August.

Check the order page for details:

GTAgency will work like this:

1- Your existing advert back office will be upgraded into an advert sales and management portal.

2 – After the 10th August, you will be able to buy the NEW styled Guaranteed Sales (34% paid before delivery) and Standard Adverts from 5B and resell them for $269. These can be sold to anyone.

3- For every Guaranteed Sales advert you have bought up to 31st July that remains unused, can be broken into 3 ‘Starter Deliveries‘ for new advertisers. These cannot be sold to anyone that is already an advertiser. Only new advertisers can buy a ‘Starter Delivery’ from you. You can charge up to $269 for each ‘Starter Delivery’ broken off to a maximum of 3x $269. Only 1 ‘Starter Delivery’ per new advertiser. Using the ‘Starter Delivery’, the new advertiser can generate 1x $155k (only x1, NOT 3x like in Limited Offer), then pay the 34% after their sales delivery and afford to buy a NEW style Guaranteed Sales from you on the 34% before delivery offer which delivers 3x $155k.

4 – For all adverts your GTAgency sells (Starter Deliveries and Guaranteed Sales), you can add variable management fees and a small variable % (up to 5% max) on top of normal 34% for 5BS and also get paid your commission and profit share. This applies to ‘Starter Deliveries’ and normal 3x $155k deliveries. You can also add charges to Standard Adverts.

5 – ‘Starter DeliveriesONLY – When you break a Guaranteed Sales (from Limited Offer) into 3 parts, you keep the 3x $269. You can charge less than $269 and you can give them away for free if you choose.

Applies After 10th August

* Guaranteed Sales Adverts = Your GTA will only be able to buy the NEW style, paid 34% before delivery, Guaranteed Sales Advert packages after 10th August. This new Guaranteed Sales package will deliver 3x $155k, but the advertiser must pay the 34% in advance.

** Starter Delivery & Starter Deliveries = If you have an old Limited Offer, 34% paid after delivery, Guaranteed Sales bought before 31st July which has 3x $155k deliveries and is unused, you can resell it in 3 parts. It can be broken into 3x single $155k deliveries and sold to help new advertisers generate $155k net profit – 34% profit share = $102,300 net profit. The new advertiser can then afford to buy a NEW style Guaranteed Sales delivery and pay the 34% in advance. The ‘Starter Delivery’ can be resold for up to $269.

*** After 10th August, any member can buy a new GTAgency from your GTAgency for a yearly fee of $880. Your GTAgency keeps $440 and pays 5B $440 each year.

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The only authorized stamp sources of icon information about  5BillionSales  are:

icon ATTENTION! icon
  1. You can have only ONE ACCOUNT in 5Billion.
  2. Everyone must have their own data validation device (computer, tablet, smartphone). You can use many devices but only for your account. Every device will be registered, assigned to your account, during the first data validation.
  3. You cannot validate data for other accounts, not even in the family.
  4. You have to pass the KYC verification (such as in a bank).
  5. For service Sell Your Data you must put exactly country where you are, doesn’t matter which document you have.
  6.  You can login only to your own account! 

Do you know that …?
* After registering in our 5BillionSales – CryptoChemist team, you will receive a series of e-mails with information about the 5BillionSales project and up-to-date information on the most important events.
icon Disclaimer icon
**  The information provided on the website are not an investment advice, they comes from the projects’ source materials, corporate and partner presentations, my work with the projects as well as from work and own creativity. They were presented according to my current knowledge and experience.

icon Business disclaimer icon (risk of loss, risk of losing profits)
Any business, investment, new opportunities comes with a risk of loss (resources, work, time). Only put as much icon money and as much icon time as you can afford to lose !!!
also about the fact that the lack of your actions is also a risk … of losing potential icon profits.
Think! and analyse what you (don’t)choose.

2 thoughts on “GTAgency first info 2022

    1. Dear Lita 🙂
      There was so many changes in 5B that is difficult to say. New website will start after 29 December 2023.
      Update and upgrade 5B 20231229
      We will see what changes they made and we will read new news.
      PS Till now for me 5BillionSales have incredible earning potential …
      GTAgent CryptoChemist.NET GTAgent CryptoChemist.NET

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