Test Your GTS service for Compliance


NOTICE: After the announced full update of the project (reset), the descriptions of the services may change, and new opportunities will appear (further earning services).

1.1 Does your URL redirect?

If the URL used in a GTS service does not contain the domain name of the page it opens, for example (a) GTS URL is https//gas.com/aff=12982 opens web page https//oil.com/12982 makes the GTS not compliant. Check the domain name in your GTS is included in the page that opens. If not, you’ll need to change your GTS service before compliance reject it. To change URL, go to Step 2 >> Edit >> Edit URL.

2.1 Is your URL correct?

If the URL opens a page that is a 404, dead link, redirect on land, red herring page, rotator, clickbait, not found or any other page that does not sell the 1 product/service you have described in step 4, makes the GTS not compliant. Check your URL opens a page displaying your 1 product/service and there is a button to add it to cart/checkout or join instantly. Do not land in the cart. Do not land on login page. Do not land on home page unless home only displays the 1 product/service and button. To change URL, go to Step 2 >> Edit >> Edit URL.

3.1 Does your URL land correctly?

When the URL is clicked, if it opens a form or page that requires to be completed with any details before the visitor can proceed to the transaction, makes the GTS not compliant. If the visitor is distracted or delayed by any other pop-up requirement except cookie permission, makes the GTS not compliant. If the main point of the land page is to move or send the visitor to another page in or out of the URL original domain other than a checkout page/cart, makes the GTS not compliant. If the land page is a webinar, video, or other media or a page without a buy now, add to cart, checkout, join now link to complete the transaction described on step 4, makes the GTS not compliant. If the land page is predominantly links out to other products/services, makes the GTS not compliant. Check your URL lands on a page dedicated or predominantly showing the 1 product/service you have described in Step 4. To change URL, go to step 2, edit, edit URL.

4.1 Is your URL privacy and GDPR compliant?

When URL is clicked, the page that opens must have a privacy link clearly linked from the page in clear sight and not hard to see. The page must be privacy compliant with your targeted audience for example if your GTS targets Europe then the privacy policy must provide the level of privacy required for European visitors. Privacy has nothing to do with where the business is located or hosted, it is all about who can join/buy from the business/page. If you target Europe then the site’s privacy must match the data law of the EU. If you target Australia, then it must protect Australian visitors and if both, both must be protected. GDPR is the same as privacy. Cookie permission is the same as privacy. If in doubt, target each state of the USA except Virginia and California. To change targeting, go to step 2, edit and select edit audience.

5.1 Is your URL targeting compliant?

If your business does not sell, deliver or sign-up Americans, you must not target the USA. If your business only caters to German, French and British, do not target Worldwide. If your business only sells in Canada, do not set the GTS to target any other countries. If you set targeting to more countries than your business distributes to, it will not pass compliance. This should be changed if incorrect by going to step 2, edit and select edit audience.

6.1 Is the URL owner compliant?

If the URL in your GTS is registered with an affiliate program in someone else’s name it will fail compliance. If the affiliate link in your GTS is not yours, it will definitely fail compliance. If you own the business and you are not the registered owner of the domain name, it will fail compliance. If you are not the legal owner, you must change the URL. To change URL, go to step 2, edit, edit URL.

7.1 Is the URL Step 4 compliant?

If you have not described the 1 product/service in step 4 description, it will fail compliance. If step 4 describes more than one product or service it will fail compliance. If step 4 describes your business or generic service/s or products or a brand or range instead of 1 product/service it will fail compliance. If there are 3 packages of the product or service for example 1, 2 and 3 bottles, step4 must identify the number of bottles, its contents, the USP, what it does, size and how the buyer benefits from the bottle. If more than 1 plan is available, identify the one you are selling and name it and describe what it does etc. The price of the product/service must identify the 1 product/service on the land page. The net profit/commission must be how much you get paid for selling the identified product/service. If your step 4 is different to this, it will fail compliance. We rely on you to accurately, clearly and honestly describe the 1 product/service in step 4 to enable our AI and systems to locate it and use its description to create a sales process to sell the product/service. If you have not, it needs to be changed. To change step 4, you go to step 2, edit and then click edit guarantee.

8.1 Is the URL gender compliant?

If your 1 product/service majority or only sells to females, do not select male or both and vice versa. Do not target other genders for upsells, cross sells, click baiting, switch sells, future sales. Your gender targeting must be exact for the 1 product/service described in step 4. If gender targeting is incorrect, it will fail compliance. This should be changed if incorrect by going to step 2, edit and select edit audience.

9.1 Is the URL age compliant?

If your 1 product/service majority or only sells to 45-60 years old like a medical plan, do not target under 45 or over 65 as it is not compliant. Do not target other ages for upsells, cross sells, click baiting, switch sells or future sales. Your age targeting must be exact match for the 1 product/service described in step 4. If age targeting is incorrect, it will fail compliance. This should be changed if incorrect by going to step 2, edit and select edit audience.

10.1 Is your advert compliant?

The advert’s wording in headline and body fields must relate to the 1 product/service being sold in the GTS service step 4. It must not click bait or advertise another product/service or the company/supplier. The images loaded to the advert must be relevant to the 1 product/service. Images are optional. If the advert does not promote the 1 product/service that is described in detail in step 4 and priced in step 4, the GTS service will not be compliant. To change the advert’s headline, body and image, go to step 2, edit, edit content.

11.1 Is your affiliate program compliant?

If you are linking your URL to an affiliate program of any type or own your own affiliate program and offer it to others to include yourself, the affiliate program must publish terms and conditions of the program and a commission tariff publicly on the website listing the commission values, types, structure, when paid, refund policy, how paid, permitted countries of operation and exclusions to include age restriction.

Original message on 5Billion website (2023-01-21)


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The only authorized stamp sources of icon information about  5BillionSales  are:

icon ATTENTION! icon
  1. You can have only ONE ACCOUNT in 5Billion.
  2. Everyone must have their own data validation device (computer, tablet, smartphone). You can use many devices but only for your account. Every device will be registered, assigned to your account, during the first data validation.
  3. You cannot validate data for other accounts, not even in the family.
  4. You have to pass the KYC verification (such as in a bank).
  5. For service Sell Your Data you must put exactly country where you are, doesn’t matter which document you have.
  6.  You can login only to your own account! 

Do you know that …?
* After registering in our 5BillionSales – CryptoChemist team, you will receive a series of e-mails with information about the 5BillionSales project and up-to-date information on the most important events.
icon Disclaimer icon
**  The information provided on the website are not an investment advice, they comes from the projects’ source materials, corporate and partner presentations, my work with the projects as well as from work and own creativity. They were presented according to my current knowledge and experience.

icon Business disclaimer icon (risk of loss, risk of losing profits)
Any business, investment, new opportunities comes with a risk of loss (resources, work, time). Only put as much icon money and as much icon time as you can afford to lose !!!
also about the fact that the lack of your actions is also a risk … of losing potential icon profits.
Think! and analyse what you (don’t)choose.

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